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From the Journal

If you've ever struggled to lose weight, you're not alone

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Daily Inspiration

Are your actions congruent with your dreams and desires? If you say you want to lose the weight—once and for all—then why are you still giving in to those unhealthy food cravings? Your actions aren’t lining up with what you say you want . . . and your actions always dictate your results.

When you’re on track, eating right, exercising regularly, making wholesome food choices, and being proactive for your health, this feeling comes over you.

It’s hard to describe, but once you experience it you’ll know . . .

It’s a buzzing in your cells. It’s a tickle of excitement. It’s a steady flow of energy. It’s a confidence. It’s a satisfaction in your bones. It’s a peace of mind and heart.

It’s about living in that feeling. 

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